Jul 12

There is a newly developed widespread morality that a democracy in the form of “rule of the majority”, as defined by the electoral process, is the ultimate social justice and anything else cannot be as just. Such mentality is also supported by the fact that this democratic process is quite new invention of the new era of “enlightened mankind“. From the podiums of the United Nations it looks as an undisputed postulate for modern day civilization with only one widely excepted exception – Moslem countries. These are not branded as “undemocratic” (though they obviously are), because they are assigned unwritten “special status” side by side with the rest of the world.

Here a confusion comes: It is Korah with his rebelious group, who represents quite a “Democratic Revolutionary Front of Israel” against the “obvious” rulers over Israel: Moshe and Aharon.  The new “democratic front of Israel” proclaimed to Moshe:

You have gone too far! All the people in the community are holly and God is with them. Why are you setting yourselves above God’s congregation?

What does this lead to? Election? Nationwide referendum? What kind of democratic process need to be used to … return power to the masses?

This brings analysis to a crossroad: Democracy versus a Ruler. In full definition of the word Ruler or a Monarchy, Moshe represents just that: as seen by eyes of any Israelite – it is Moshe who commanded every step of the nation since their exodus from Egypt. Well, to be exact, Torah says that it is God who made the exodus happen “by His Mighty Hand” but this is in the realm of spiritual (out of this world anyway), but as the wordly matters go, for the eyes of uninitiated, it was Moshe who led Israel and judged Israel too … nobody’s opinion suppose to be consulted … isn’t this a Ruler, a Monarchy, Torah defends against the Democratic Revolutionary front of Israel with Korah as it’s leader?  However sarcastic this may sound, yet this is what it is on the ground! It is truly so and Torah forces us to re-evaluate our “modern approach” to the values of democratic process.

Just to remind you, the reader about realities of our modern world, there are no democratic countries today, not a single example of established democratic country today, which is not bringing their citizens to the gradual decline in the basic living, decline in the basic safety of their citizens, re-distribution of the national products by the “chosen servants of the people” via taxation, up to the inevitable decline of the security of the country as a whole in the face of the revealed external menace… Corruption is the main theme of every democratically elected leadership with the institution of United Nations as the Utmost example of corruption in modern world…

In other words we may easily accept the unwillingness to name a Monarchy or any Ruler to be the best social institution, but on another hand, we must admit, that any democracy, as we know it, is not our future…

And now back to our Torah: we see that if not involvement from God, the democratic process led by Korah would surely lead Israelites back to slavery in Egypt. It was only “iron hand of the ruler”, Moshe Rabeinu, supported by the unearthly Power, who bring Israel back to their Divine Mission.

Conclusion for our days? Any democratic process supposedly bringing power to a majority, satisfying the criteria “majority rules”, is the very one which brought to power socialists (modern day Europe), communists (bolsheviks in Russia), nazi (elections in Germany in 1933) and all the flavors of the dictatorial rule with no benefits to the same people who supported them. I will repeat again – not a single example of a stable democratic country, good and just for their citizens, can be found. Looking at the opposite example, the Monarchy – here we are, our current case under consideration – Moshe is the Ruler with his brother Aharon ( those family ties 😎 ), and here is another bright example of a Monarchy which everybody knows: the Kindom of King David. Building the country through the wars, being good to all his people and his servants, being kind, just and decisive at the same time. And no corruption by public servants allowed – under fear of the King … You might say: where will you find such Rulers today? Hard? Agree, but keep in mind, this is not a reason to reject the social institution of Monarchy only because it is hard to find the Implementer … Remember, the other alternative (a Democracy), as history shows, does not have any chances for good outcome … None!

May be it is time for the Jews to return back to the right-and-wrongs as defined by Torah, instead of the new social morals and social institutions imposed on us by the United Nations…

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