Sep 13

If you ever tried to check the inclusion of a particular commandment into any renown orthodox approved list of the mitzvot, you had to notice that a list of mitzvot is provided which is “applied today” versus those which are “not applied today”. This raises questions:

Were there given commandments on Mount Sinai which do not apply to us today? Does Torah contain commandments which are not eternal but only for the current members of Israel in their time?

Now we come to a very disturbing tendency how some of the mitzvot fall into the category “not applied today”.

A whole group of mitzvot effectively made void by modern rabbinical Judaism. This is a group related to the service in the Beith Hamikdash, the Holly Temple. There is a very disturbing “consensus” among the Rabbis that those commandments do not apply today. Let’s analyze why…

They say because we don’t have a Temple … Why?

They say because we have not built it … Why?

They say because we can’t … Why?

They say: because of Arabs / government of Israel / politics / etc. … but let’s press further with our questions : Is God’s commandment conditional on current politics?   This question never get’s straight answer but triggers speculations around the topic of  “what can we do“?

Torah gives the answers to the above questions.

King David gives this answer:

“One prayer have I made to the Lord, and this is my heart’s desire; that I may have a place in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, looking on his glory, and getting wisdom in his Temple.” (Psalm 27:4)

“Lord, your house has been dear to me, and the resting-place of your glory.” (Psalm 26:8)

“Who may go up into the hill of the Lord? and who may come into his Holy Place?” (Psalm 24:3)

“I will come into your house, in the full measure of your mercy; and in your fear I will give worship, turning my eyes to your holy Temple” (Psalm 5:7)

“Make songs of praise to the Lord, whose House is in Zion” (Psalm 9:11)

Israel suppose to have craving to have God in Israel midst such as in the  time of King David. For that Israel suppose to want to have a Temple. As outcome of that craving for God and His Temple Israel suppose to remove by force any obstacle, be it the outside enemy or the Israel’s own evil government. Any other opinions, even such as United Nations, should not be taking into account as you cannot reconcile opinion of God with those of humans …

Here is a factual proof that it is a lack of craving for God and His Temple is the main obstacle to the fulfillment of all the commandments related to the Holly Temple:

When was the last time the religious Jewish people in Israel gathered together committed to build the Temple no matter what ? How many religious Jews live in Israel today ? Some say a million, others say only half a million. Whatever the number is, it is surely enough to make a big change in history if most of them decisively gather on the Temple Mount to start a cleaning preparation …

If this never happened …  let’s not talk as if we tried but it didn’t work … we never tried, cause we don’t care strong enough … instead we made a “work around” – just threw a whole group of the Temple related mitzvot out of the list

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