Sep 27

Here is a future event described of catastrophic magnitude of a very disturbing nature. Reason for punishment and it’s details provided of a nature not yet taken place in our history… Yet, according to the latest news, the conditions are ripe …

In his last speech to the nation, Moses renews covenant between this new generation of Israelites and God. Explicit wording states that this covenant is not only for the currently living but for a future generation thus relating to the future:

“And not with you only do I make this agreement and this oath; But with everyone who is here with us today before the Lord our God, as well as with those who are not here” ( Deuteronomy 29:14-15)

Here the warning starts:

“So that there may not be among you any man or woman or family or tribe whose heart is turned away from the Lord our God today, to go after other gods and give them worship” (Deuteronomy 28:17)

It is important to understand this warning because the Hebrew word “Elohei” is translated here as “gods”. Most people understand this such kind of the pagan worship when the object of worship was made into the wooden, stone or golden idols. This understanding is obvious because this kind of idols were just mentioned in this chapter before this sentence. But such understanding would be incomplete. For those forms of idol worship were typical for those times, yet another mode of pagan worship is widespread in our times and if we don’t recognize this, we can fall into the same sin, committed in a new form (which is in fact happening), and therefore be a subject to the catastrophic punishments which might follow according to this chapter.

Rabbi Moshe Maimonides in his opus “Guide for the Perplexed” Book 1 Chapter 61 dedicated a whole chapter to the names of God. Among other words denoting the notion of god he describes the word “elohim” as denoting the property of God as being a “chief” or “ruler or “master” as oppose to the Tetragrammaton YHVH which bears no other meaning but a sacred name only. His opinion thus is that word “Elohim” denotes that God is a master over the world.  From here we can read the word “Elohim” or “Elohei” as “masters” to the extent of the level of gods. Such translation matches a similar translation supported by most Rabbinical authorities  in Genesis 6:2 where the expression “bnei-haelohim” traditionally translated as “sons of the rulers” or “sons of the masters” meaning that “ha-elohim” are human rulers or masters. Such translation can be applied in this chapter under consideration.

Here is the widest definition of the idol as “any other god” whatever or whoever is worshiped other than God of Israel: “Complete destruction will come on any man who makes offerings to any other god but the Lord.” (Exodus, 22:19)  This “many” may include a living human being as object of worship.

Although having a carved objects for worship today might only be expected in few places remote from the civilization, yet, the worship of the world leaders may rightfully be considered as the most widespread form of idol worship today in all parts of the world. Assemblies of the world leaders in the parlors of United Nations considered by most peoples, in Europe, America and Israel alike, to be the ultimate authorities of the world.

For example, Jewish leaders, leading Israel to follow orders from the foreign master, are the modern day form of idol worship and punishment applied the same way as it was due to the ancient forms of idol worship.

Now is a time to read dreadful warning:

“A future generation of your descendants, who rise up after you along with a foreigner from the distant land, shall see the punishment directed against the Land, and the disease with which God has struck it and they will say: Sulfur and salt has burned all it’s soil. Nothing can be planted and nothing can grow. – not even grass can grow on it. It is like a destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, Adma and Tzevoim that God overturned in His anger and rage.” (Deuteronomy, 29:21-22)

From our history we only know that such a destruction when soil is burned and nothing, even grass, can grow there, happens as a result of a nuclear attack.

Translating the above warning to the language of the current news media:

Current Israeli leaders, a whole establishment, follows and fulfills orders from foreign governments (masters to the extent as being “elohei”). Breaching the Laws of God, Israel already lived through deportation of Jews from their homes in Gaza / Judea, Jews lived through the defeat in Lebanon war and betrayal of their captures soldiers there, through pogrom in Amona and arrests of the Jewish patriots who’s crime is nothing more than love for their people and their God given Land. Publicly admitting knowledge of the location of their captured soldier Shalit in the enemy hands, army does nothing to save him. Betrayal of the Jewish people, the Covenant, the God’s laws became too obvious to continue life as usual…

Now comes more … Israeli leaders, minister of defense in particular, asks permission from the President of another country – the United States, to strike Iran, to prevent it’s acquisition of nuclear weapons and follow through with Iran’s threads made public – the destruction of Israel. Israeli leader bows to the foreign deity asking permission to save his country from destruction! Bowing to the foreign idols is committed in the daylight.

Still Israeli Jews continue life as usual… even the religious public continues as usual… Jewish religious leaders lead their pasture as usual through the “non-violent” rituals of the “most peaceful religion of the world”. Mitzva of “removing wickedness from your midst” was dropped from the list many centuries ago. Nobody fasts, tears their cloths and put ashes on their heads in anticipation of the upcoming Holocaust. The Divine chain of the cause-and-effect is imminent:  the result of this straying away from God’s ways (the simple path of common sense), for which all of Israel is responsible for not cleansing wickedness form their midst, will bring the God’s wrath on Israel … in the form of the Iranian nuclear missiles and Syrian chemical missiles. And soil will be burned and even grass will not grow …

Only remnants of Israel will understand the treachery committed in their midst at all levels. They will return to God and fulfill all the prophesies of the Prophets … but the question is: how many of them will live to be able to repent?

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