Oct 25

One of the most confusing topics, least understood in Torah, is the timing of the process of Creation – the six days of Creation. This article will show again that Torah does not make confusions but they are products of the preconditioned human mind and limited human language .

As for the start, we have to notice that the Hebrew word yom , although translated as day, cannot carry the same meaning as a time unit because in the first three days of the creation, the luminaries, sun and moon, which make our day, were not created yet. This means that the the word yom was used only because there was no other words to describe the … time unit which precede the … creation of time.

Another wording pointing to the similar confusion is usage of the words erev and boker. Again, similar to the above, there could not be morning or evening as usual translations suggest, because there were no sun or moon created yet. But we can get a deeper meenings of the Hebrew words erev and boker. The root of the word erev means chaos. The word boker in it’s form bekaret means order. These translations let us read expression Vayehi Erev Vayehi Boker as “there was chaos and (then) there was order”.

The process of Creation is nothing else but a transformation from the Chaos to Order according to the Intelligent Design. (See our post http://www.torahtruth.org/2008/10/bareishit-creation-the-scientific-approach/).

All of the above was revealed more than 800 centuries ago by Nachmanides.

For more detail discussion please read the outstanding article of Dr. Gerald Schroeder in http://www.aish.com/societyWork/sciencenature/Age_of_the_Universe.asp

One Response to “Bareishit: What Is A Day Of Creation?”

  1. sagiv levi says:

    one of the hardest thing to understund is the timing in the creation.
    In the creation Yom is not really mean a day because there was no sun or light in the first three days.
    another example is when God said and it will evening and it will be morning it is really not like morning and evening like we know it; it is really like the defenition of the word evening which is cheos and morning which is order.
    the diffrent of science and the torah in this article:
    this article is mostly based on science like using the defenition of the words evening and morning, or the orgenizetion in time of Yom.
    acording to this article science can be used to find some meaning of things in the torah.

    sagiv levi

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