My son, I am sharing with you something of ultimate importance.
You read this as you are visiting a Jewish cemetery called “Poland”, a place where millions of human beings – called in Torah “the chosen people”, were slaughtered like animals. Local population enthusiastically cooperated with the killers. In Lithuania, Ukraine, Latvia, Estonia and elsewhere in Europe, the same crime became a “norm of the day” for local civilian population. A block from the home were I was born in Kaunas, in July 1941 Lithuanians joyfully gathered on the street to capture and kill passing by Jews. Those who did not participate in killing were just standing and enjoying watching… I have a picture done by German photographer … a lot of smiles and a lot of blood …
On one hand, you have heard many times a nice saying: “we should learn the history” or even “never again” and so on. Have we really learned? Are we really committed to “never again” ? I spent over 20 years in reading testimonies, learning and interviewing the survivors, learning our Scriptures trying to understand the phenomenon. This learning brought a revelation – shocking and painful. The goal of this letter to bring you the results of this 20 + years of research:
We have learned nothing. Neither secular not religious Jews don’t show any commitment to “never again”. Even worse, Jews are bringing this calamity again upon ourselves these days by refusing to follow Torah in relevant dealings in daily life, by supporting corrupt leaders in Israel, following orders from foreign leaders, by appeasing the enemies. Our rule of life still is as in the past – compromise with evil in everything we do.
Just this Yom Kippur I listened to the Rabbi’s speech. He was teaching the congregation that “God’s ways are unknown”, that all we have to do is pray and even more: according to Rashi, in the future upcoming calamities (!) He will be with us! But I wonder: Who needs God for bringing calamities on us? Who needs to pray if the calamities are inevitable and also why do we need to learn Torah if the ways of God are unknown no matter what???
Above questions are obviously rhetorical. Rabbi was wrong and many others who preach the same way. Parshat Bechukotai, Ti’Tavo, Netzavim explicitly warn about upcoming calamities of the exact proportions to the Holocaust and God reveals the scale of the pogroms, the reason and the outcome, cause and effect. We are given a choice to make.
“I have put before you life and death, a blessing and a curse: so choose life for yourselves and for your descendants.” (Deuteronomy, 30:19)
Everything is revealed and only those who don’t care to know the truth, refuse to know.
In search for reasons lets start here: On that day I will utterly hide My face (Deuteronomy 31:18,20,21)
You claimed: “I am innocent! Surely His anger has turned away from me!” But I will bring you to judgment for saying: “I have not sinned.” (Jeremiah 2:35)
Your conduct and your actions have caused this to happen to you. This is your bitter punishment, which pierces your very heart. (Jeremiah 8:14)
What preceded the Holocaust?
Jews comfortably settled the foreign lands. Jews closely associated themselves with gentiles among which they lived. This association was to a such degree that, as survivors in Lithuania recalled to me, German Jews who visited them, presented themselves in no other way but “I am a German Jew” implying “I am a kind of better Jew because of my German roots”. German Jews even created such a term for themselves: “I am a German with Jewish roots”. In the end, “true” Germans clearly showed that they, “Germans with Jewish roots”, were nothing but Jews for them …
In Germany and everywhere in East Europe, Jews actively participated in the “social experiments” building “new” socialist societies. In most of the countries of galut among all the newly created socialist parties (including Socialist Party of Germany) Jews were among their founders. How about Torah and our Divine covenant? Jews were turning to atheism at the highest rate in our long history. Most of the shtetls were falling apart, Jews leaving for the cities and to join new socialist political activities. Jewish Hesders still existed but as many of their former students recall “almost nobody was religious … just a tradition”. As your grandfather recalls his days of learning in Hesder : “I am not sure if our Rabbi himself believed in God…”
They have denied God saying: “He does not exist” (Jeremiah 5:12)
As a tradition was void of Faith and True Knowledge of the Divine, many abandoned it. How about Yeshivot? Many still existed and even considered to be prosperous, but … all of them (not even one exception I could find) preached that Jews living in the galut are in their proper place where God wants them to be (!) Thus even when anti-Semitism increased in the early 1930’s, Rosh Yeshivot rejected all the calls to emigrate. All of them, except one – Mir Yechiva, ended in the crematoriums of the concentration camps. The great Tzadik, Rabbi Yisachar Shlomo Teichtal, also killed in 1944 on the way to concentration camp, (he left a manuscript to the surviving generation “Eim Habanim Semeichah” where he describes the position of the religious community before the Holocaust), asked forgiveness from God for all the meaningless hairsplitting Halachic discussions he and other Halachic leaders were involved in their religious studies ignoring the loud messages from the Living God. Hiding in the attic from Germans he cried to God asking forgiveness for being deaf to the calls of God made loudly through the happenings on the ground … All my studies show – within Jewish communities in Europe there was no craving for the Land, no craving for the construction of the Temple, but most importantly, there was no craving for Knowledge of True Living God, – instead – a tradition void of spiritual substance with a lot of hairsplitting Halachic discussion having nothing to do with real world Jews lived in …
I will punish for all their evil – for abandoning Me (Jeremiah 1:16)
This is your own fault, for you abandoned God your Lord … You will be punished for your sins and rebuked for your transgressions. Consider carefully how bad and bitter it is to abandon God your Lord! (Jeremiah 2:17,19)
Why do I need frankincense that comes from Sheba or fragrant cane from distant countries? Your burnt offerings are not acceptable and your sacrifices are not pleasing to Me. ( on rejecting spiritually empty rituals when deeds in daily life don’t match the Law, Jeremiah 6:19-20)
Then, when a catastrophe was in progress, another ugly phenomenon appeared: Jewish treachery (another result of the same sin: void of love of our own people, void of knowledge of God and Covenant). Jewish leaders employed by Nazis, the Judenrat, collaborated with Nazis in delivering Jews to slaughter. Still today the most stupid explanations getting often repeated in Jewish publications regarding a “compromise in difficult circumstance to try to … save our people”! Save our people by sending selectively some of them to slaughter! And Jews who accept and repeat this “explanation” consider themselves sane!
There surely were Jewish heroes, those who raised up in revolt in Warsaw ghetto, knowing well that they will not have any support from Polish underground, but this unique Jewish heroism does not change the shadow of the gloom reality which covered all of Europe, we need to understand –
On that day I will utterly hide My face because of all the evil that they have done in turning to alien gods (or translate “alien masters”) (Deuteronomy 31:18 and repeated in 32:20-21)
Jews followed other masters: political leaders of the foreign lands, new fancy political ideologies, patriotism directed towards foreign lands, but not heeding the Covenant, no interest for their historical Land. Neither Jews of other countries, when Holocaust was in progress in Europe, displayed enough activity to persuade leaders in their countries to save Jewish brothers from slaughter. In fact treachery was committed even by leaders of Jewish agency in Palestine who allowed 400,000 Hungarian Jews to be slaughtered (more historical facts on Jewish treachery during WW2 read “Perfidy” by Ben Hecht and visit and in Rudolf Kastner affair)
It is important to honestly understand the reason of the tragedy and how Jews allow it to happen, because understanding would open our eyes to see what is coming today – new forms of Jewish treachery :
- Israeli government headed by Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres brought to the Holly Land the most radicals of the enemies of the Jews, the gang of Arafat, gave him weapons, territories to control, ability to create education system to raise a new generation of Jew-haters and gave them political legitimacy in the parlors of the United Nations.
- Israeli government deported Jews from Sinai and later, in 2005, from Gaza, to give land to the enemy, helping to create in Gaza the largest terrorist base in the world, making Arabs to believe that terrorism works to their benefit and bringing a landslide victory to Hamas during PA elections.
- Israeli government made its army defeated in Lebanon war in 2006 and bring international forces to the borders of Israel. Since then, by Israel’s inaction, it allowed Hezbollah to re-arm themselves to a higher level of preparedness for the upcoming war with Israel.
- Continued political collapse makes Israel a non-combatant in the face of upcoming nuclear stand off with Iran. So far Iran is rushing it’s nuclear development, openly reveals it’s plan to destroy Israel, but Israeli government, instead of active preventive strike to destroy the enemy, only engaged in political idle debates about “necessity for the world community to interfere”.
- Israeli government continues uprooting Jews from their homes in Shomron using the brutal tactics up to the government organized pogrom as it took place in Amona, imprisonments without a trial and disarming patriotic Jews who live in the territories surrounded by Arabs.
- Ban on the pro-Jewish patriotic independent radio station Arutz-7, at the same time allowing anti-Jewish and anti-Israel broadcast from the territories controlled by PLO.
- Imprisonment of the Jews who defended themselves using firearms during the lynching attacks or during a home robbery.
- Proliferation of the anti-Jewish and even anti-Israel college professors who first make their names in Israeli press and then make money by publishing their virulent anti-Israelism in foreign press.
- The most absurd or may we say “revealing” betrayal: Israeli government allows anti-Israel preaching in Al Aksa mosque in the most sacred Jewish location – the Temple Mount, the Place of our future Temple, while any Jew who prays on the Temple Mount is getting arrested by Israeli police!
The enemy sees what is going on and understands that Israel is falling apart in front of them. Not only the world at large (as it was in time of WW2) but even Israeli leaders don’t care about lives of Jewish people and impending danger. But what Jews suppose to do? This is the subject of all our Scriptures, from Torah to Prophets and Writings. All articles on this website point explicitly to all “must dos” of Torah which are crying for our attention. Read mitzvah of Amalek as a good example to understand how Torah was distorted in modern Judaism to compromise with political correctness of the world, making Jews powerless and vulnerable.
Why Lion of Judah is sleeping? Among those 5 million Jews who already made aliya, where are the Jews who love their nation and their God to stop the suicide? Why do they live daily lives as if betrayal is not going on, even supporting and feeding this government with their taxes? Will Jews follow their corrupt leaders and go obediently into the next slaughter in our times as they did half a century ago? Or will Lion of Judah will wake up to “consume it’s prey”?
Israel is in deep hybernation again … what will it take to wake up the Jews? A Nuclear Bomb?
The Lion of Judah is not sleeping. Psalm 121:4 Indeed, He (the Lord) who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.
Peoples’ eyes are closed until God purposes them to see. Numbers 22:31
God keeps eyes closed and hearts hardened until He purposes them opened. Exodus 10:27
Our God reigns! And Israel is the apple of His eye! Zechariah 14:1-9
Good quotes – thank you.
The language, the expression “Lion of Judah” surely is a metaphor. As such it might be applied either to the Divine Source or to People of Judah. (BTW – in the end both applications would be one and the same but this is another topic, not for this article). You chose your quotes based on your vision that “Lion of Judah” is God – then I fully accept your choice of quotes. Yet the article speaks of “Lion of Judah” as a synonym for the People of Judah – whence blindness and slumber… although all the ongoing events show that God already set up purposes in front of our eyes… This is a situation much described in the books of Prophets.
[…] More on the Holocaust (though with most discussion based on modern Israel’s politics with Torah-based analysis) read this post on the Holocaust: […]
Nancy, you are absolutely right if understanding the expression of “Lion of Judah” as God of Israel. I meant something else here – the soul of Judah, the Nation itself, not the Creator, although indeed, King David used this expression to mean God of Israel.
But anyway, thank you for those quotes!