Jun 06

For those who are sincere to know Him. For all the seekers. The experience of rapture.

When you become ultimately sincere in searching for Him, when you reject all the taboos on the way to the Divine Experience, when you leave no stone unturned to find Him, when you learn all you could about Him in order to “recognize” Him, then

Then you will begin to seek God your Lord, and if you search for Him with all your heart and soul, you will eventually find Him. (Deuteronomy, 4:29)

How do I know this? –

I was searching for the Lord, and he gave ear to my voice. (Psalms 34:4)


It does not happen when you expect This. Not when you study, not when you do tzedaka, not when you pray, not even in the hour of meditation. These all are just “homework” to make your mind ready for the moment of Rapture. It happens when you are not expecting this … in the hour of stillness, before the dawn … when you hoped to get a good sleep, suddenly …

The veil became thin. The ego melted as a snowflake into the air. The ego merged with One Life as a single wave merges with the ocean. I recognized This. The Rapture.

I realized that the story I heard yesterday was about Him. The story goes – Russian Jew by the name Leonid was sitting in the street of Jerusalem playing the accordion. What happened to me now is that I recognized Him. The form of the mortal with the soul of the Divine. The name of that form was Leonid but all names are His . There was a sound of enormous love towards each and every passerby on the Ben Yehuda street. The sign was obvious. His love did not depend on the attitude towards Him, did not depend on the amount of money thrown to Him because He does not need anything. He is everything. He is everybody. What is there in this world that He does not possess already? All He needs is to bestow His love and sitting in the body of the Russian Jew playing the accordion to the passersby in Jerusalem is one of the multitude ways to reveal Himself … yet … how many are there to notice?  He acknowledges every agurah (every penny) people throw to Him. Why? Because it is not about the money but about acknowledgment, about being noticed. God wants to be noticed by His children. He is there for them … In appreciation of simply being noticed, whenever a coin drops, he jumps on playing. People offer Him food. Again, He loves the fact that they notice Him. This gives Him opportunity to share this food with others. The same loaf, given to Him and then consequently offered by Him to others passersby, may travel through the hands between many emanations (individual souls)  of the One Ruach Hakodesh.

This Russian Jew by the name Leonid was another display of the Divine Presence, same as the bird who is singing for me now as I am writing this in this hour of dawn. Since the time when I started noticing those birds as a marvel surrounding my life, they became almost “crazy” in entertaining me. Or was it all the time but I did not see it?  Well, yes. That’s exactly what this “search for God” is all about – learning to drop the curtain which separates us from Him and just see … in all the forms … in all the sounds … and get to see what has been surrounding us all the time … Our true Universe … The Rapture...

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