So many honest lovers of Israel direct their attention and energy to the secondary effects of the main core reason which brings Israel towards near destruction these days.
All of the following are not the causes but multiple effects only:
– Why bother talking much about hostile plans of Syria and Iran if everybody knows this anyway, everybody even Shimon Peres and Kofi Annan. Why bother making noise about it?
– Why bother about UN caring much about “peaceful” civilian population of the country which happened to attack Israel or about “peaceful” Palestinians for whom killing of Jews happened to be the main reason for their existence? If you look in the number of UN resolution condemning Israel you will realize that this anti-Israel activity is … the only functional reason for UN to exist! What else did they do as efficiently and persistently as bushing Israel?
– Why bother with US leaders weakening Israel by pushing for the creation of one more hostile Arab state on demand in pursuing their self-interest (at least so they think)? Who’s interest do you want them to pursue? Do you want them to be more Jewish that Israel’s prime minister who pursues anybody else’s interests excluding Israel’s?
– Why bother about incompetent command officers of IDF and messy handling of the Lebanon war? They are just puppets of Israeli government since Sharon replaced most of them with those who do not dare to object to any stupidity coming out from government. Those command officers who care more about survival of their country were made into retirement…
Now, if you agree with above, you are ready to touch the core.
If army were allowed by government to do whatever is required to protect Israeli citizens, then Syria, Iran and Hezbollah would be neutralized to the military submission using military power which Israel has (even the enemy knows that Israel DOES possess this power).
If this happens, any anti-Semitic bushing by UN members will be irrelevant for 2 reasons:
1. Israel is already safe – that’s all what matters and
2. Their rage will calm down quite soon and, instead, will be replaced with respect for the nation which is committed to survive.
Now it seems to be that the core of problem is Israeli corrupt leaders who’s performance can only be compared to the deeds of the traitors in the time of war.
But their coming to power over the Israel came as a result of the political system which consists of the Supreme court, media and police. This political, legal and electoral system filters out all the patriots of Israel from the election. This political, legal and electoral system can give birth only to what Israel currently has…
Let’s dig deeper…
If it is obvious to most Israelis that this government and the system which created it and supports it, lead them to the defeat in the war of survival, then, we’d assume, it would be only natural for Israelis to go a “non-legal” way – come out to the streets in large numbers, to drag out the members of government by hand. (Don’t worry – police cannot control hundreds of thousands of their own citizens – even Lebanon police did not brake the crowds of hundred of thousands who demonstrated against their government).
If the desire to survive as a nation and as individuals were above anything else for Israelis today, each and everyone has to come out to the streets committed not to return home until this government deposited and replaced by those who ARE COMMITTED TO SAVE ISRAEL !
How about the price to pay for self survival? Drag Olmert, Peres, Peretz and Livni out of office the same way as they ordered (or supported) Jews of Gaza to be dragged from their homes to create a living space for Hamas and Al Qaeda and for their military bases in Gaza.
What? Easy to say than to do? But how come it was easy for religious community to gather 100,000 people for the burial of some leading hassidic Rabbi or for a wedding of the son of famous Kabbalist leader. Or it was easy for secular public to gather such crowd for the fake birthday celebration sponsored by Shimon Peres for his own political goals. Where are all the IDF reservists who will pay in blood for the treachery of the current Olmert government, who announces to public that their soldiers are dead in the enemy hands and this government releases live enemy prisoners for the dead IDF bodies? If IDF soldiers were alive, this government in effect authorized the enemy to kill them! Do Israeli reservists sleep well today?
Is saving Israel from destruction important enough on par with above examples to stimulate public to wake up, come out to the streets in the same numbers and DO IT?
Now we hit the core – the priorities in the mind of Israeli Jews.
How important is solving the problem of life and death for people of the country? Are the citizens committed to survive? If they are, then revolution should happen now! Every day lost – makes a disaster closer.
Because Hamas is preparing daily. Unrestricted flow of the weapons to Gaza. Hizballa’s unrestricted armament can be stopped only by IMMEDIATE bombing campaign by IAF. All the prolonged political mumbling about Iran has already given enough time for them to enrich Uranium, develop the means of delivery – ballistic missiles, and install anti-aircraft defense system purchased from Russians. Another day of political rhetoric makes Iran even stronger…
When rockets start falling on peoples heads – it will be too late to change something in the country.
Can the sane people continue their daily lives as usual if they know what is coming?
Or do they know?
Hellooooooooo Israel ! Anybody there ????????????????????????????
Published with few changes from first posted by Ron Dworin as article titled “Urgent – survival of Israel”
to [email protected] on 04.16.07