Apr 23

Before I proceed I have to highlight my appreciation for the most important part of heritage which is preserved by Jewish tradition over all the millenniums – that is the importance of Torah and other books of Tanach. Even though in practical terms these pearls of Divine wisdom were overshadowed by imposing of Oral Law, it was this reverence of Torah which allows us to discover the Truth where it was planted by God Himself.

Now about the theology of modern day Judaism. It mainly applies to Orthodox Judaism and, to the relevant extent, to other mainstream denominations – ultra-orthodox, modern orthodox, conservatives and reform Judaism.

The list of principal delusion starts from the most harmful and descending in importance. Still it must be understood that the separation of principles is only for understanding purposes. Many principles intermingle while creating the whole picture of the distorted theological system.

  1. Delusion of the first law: Torah states it as a primary law above any other laws “to love your God with all your heart and all you soul and all your strength”. Instead Judaism accepted as a main law a quote from Hillel to “love your neighbor as yourself”as a single sentence representing the whole Torah. Many other delusions sprout from this one. This is nothing less than a complete replacement of the true foundation of Torah with the fake one developed in Judaism in the course of history. Refuting this notion is the same provided in 4th principle below.
  2. It is taught that the idea that anti-Semitism was created as a “part of nature” since the revelation at Mt. Sinai. Rabbinical explanations somehow tie this to the principle that Israel “should dwell alone in the Land”. Completely baseless. This is what God said on this: “Observe therefore and do them (commandments), for this is your wisdom and understanding in the sight of the nations, that, when they hear all these statutes, shall say:’ Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people’“. (Devarim, 4:6) Not even a hint to antisemitism predicted by God, if only we truly wanted to understand and live by His commandments. On another hand, in both Bechukotai and in KiTavo God predicted all the devastation coming upon Israel from God through the goiym world in case when Israel turns away from His teaching. This flaw alone effectively blinds Jewish people from learning about calamities from all the messages from God and whence learning from them and returning back to Our Master.
  3. Oral Torah. This concept allowed a great damage to the Jewish people as it was like a gate opening a flood of confusions, misconceptions, man made ideas to pour into the Jewish canon, squeezing out, replacing the pure and concise Divine Truth of the Written Covenant. But God predicted this phenomenon, that’s why He said to Moses: “God said to Moses, ‘Write these words down for yourself because these words come from my mouth that I have made a covenant with you and with all Israel'”. (Shemot, 34:27) God specifically demanded to write the words of covenant. Can God negate the purpose of His own words? Another warning from God should be as obvious follow-up: “Don’t add anything nor remove anything from my words” (Deuteronomy 13:1) (Remember , this is after His Law supposed to be documented in writing …)
  4. This is the major outcome of the 1st delusion listed above. False principle: the most important is Jewish Unity.  – Or is it? Than why did God love Pinchas for … killing the leader of the Shimon tribe? Why God elevated Levites among all the tribes for the only reason (as spelled out by God) that they killed 6,000 Jews (even their own brothers as Torah says) in the aftermath of the golden calf affair. What kind of the Jewish Unity does this display? And why God allowed all the tribes to go ahead to battle the tribe of Benjamin to the near extinction as per book of Judges? Why He commanded to kill and burn down any city in Israel which turns away from His Ways? Why God repeats so many times in His Torah ” You will not allow wickedness in your midst”?  Reversing this principle dramatically misplaced the foundation of understanding of right versus wrong in His Torah.
  5. False principle of Shalom – peace. Another outcome from the 1st delusion on this list. The Peace as the ultimate goal, overshadowing the principle of God and service to Him, allowed Jewish unity with godless Jews, godless nations, godless polititians in Israel and abroad, principles of appeasement to the godless ideas and even hostile nations. Any compromise to the Law of God is named as the “Ultimate Goal” – the Shalom. It should not be surprising that such compromises and appeasements always bring the opposite – the War.
  6. False principle of Moshiah. It is important to remember that the phenomenon of Moshiah is not described in Torah at all. The hint often quoted from the prophesy of Bilaam is not explicit but imaginary. Although there should not be a doubt that in the last days of this civilization (as we know it) Israel, on it’s way to redemption, will have a leader, nevertheless, it is a very naive concept to think that it is like a “superman”, a typical hero of any folk stories, who singlehandedly saves his village (or a nation) from evil dragon, etc … The erroneous nature of this notion created a paralysis on all mainstream denominations. It became a “norm” among mainstream orthodox Jews to speak about powerless nature of humans and put all the hope in the new era on Moshiah repeating the mantra “may he come speedily in our days”. This became the main formula to justify a total passiveness in modern life refusing any attempts to fulfill God’s intended purposes. This flawed concept reached it’s climax in the theology of ultra-orthodox groups who refuse any participation in making the Land of Israel a property for the Children of Yaakov and a dwelling place for the Divine lifestyle. And surely the ultimate ugliness of this flawed life spinning around this notion alone (waiting for Moshiah) came about in the theology of Neturei Karta, who, based on this principle, in fact, merged themselves with the enemies of Jewish people because in their eyes, any Jewish attempts to do something for the betterment of the Jews in the Holly Land is a “breach of Law” as they see it, as their “law” suggests them to do nothing but wait for Moshiah… Although all other Jewish denominations keep themselves apart from Neturei Karta, it is important to understand that this sect is not different in essence of their theology from other ultra-orthodox groups or even mainstream orthodox. Their difference only in extent, not in substance. For they all put their hopes and observances into the waiting of Moshiah. This became quite elaborate way to flush out all the content of Torah and replace it with one principle alone – ” waiting for Moshiah

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