Nov 07

And Avimelech  said to Avraham: “What did you see that you did this thing ? (Bareishit, 20:10, – King wants to know why Avraham decided to hide that Sarah is his wife, bringing a danger of committing sin by King taking her as his wife. Or, in other words, what prompted him to start preventive measures before anything bad actually happened to him)

And Avraham said: Because as I said, there is no fear of God in this place…” (Ibid. 20:11)

Country’s government flooded with individuals without any moral principles, their actions dictated not by the goodness for their people but by the profit they can make for their pockets and their power grab increase.

Country’s healthcare is commanded by the pharmaceutical corporations who pay ransom to the government bureaucrats.

Country’s academia is almost completely taken over by the most intellectually degraded humans who legally acquire the title of “professor”. Their state of mind molded by the desire of social image and profit they get with the “title”. Those who still possess sincerity of the scientist and question the validity of the certain path adopted by academia, seekers of the Truth, usually become “persona non-Grata”  and forced to leave.

Court system, for anybody who got across it, leaves a smell of stench as if the system lost any patterns of common sense (due to the service of the corruption) long ago …

Public education for our children is run by those who could not discover within themselves any positive traits for some kind of creative activity (such as sincere scientific search for Truth), but seek some boost for their ego to be able to command – and what could be easier than command over children and their parents in the name of “betterment for the public” with full support of the court system (see above) and the law enforcement.

Financial system of all the nation(s) has been built by few oligarch families for their personal interest and intelligently maintained (by pay-offs and profit sharing) on their behalf through the most elaborate system of the Federal Reserve/Government/State Department/Court System/Law Enforcement .

Even non-government organizations represent the ideas of their uneducated leaders or in other cases greatly manipulated by the “big brother” for the fine changes in the whole system if it get’s “off track”.

Each of these social diseases (and many more not mentioned here)  can be seen in the daily news and can be topics for a detail analysis in their own right. But this article will focus on the relation between these phenomena and the spiritual status of humanity today. It will be shown that it is impossible to solve all or even any of these problems without the change of the level of development of the human mind of the “critical mass” of humankind.

It is said in Hindu Vedas that any nation has a potential to survive only if there is at least certain number of of Brahmins among them ( Swami Vivekananda translated this number into the modern term as 5%). In the original meaning of the word Brahmin it meant a certain level of overall intelligence and education as applied to the science of the nature of human being. If there is less than 5% of Brahmins, nation will disintegrate from within, eventually becoming vulnerable to the harm coming from outside to complete process of self-destruction.
To be continued…

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