About Torah Truth

We live in a very turbulent time. Conflict arises when trying to reconcile many tragedies which plague Jewish people for centuries and continued trouble today as evident from the daily news from Israel and from around the world. Crisis includes many failures encountered by the sincerely devoted religious Jews in Israel which are trying to stand up against the secular establishment. They traditionally follow their rabbinical mentors but encounter defeat after defeat on the daily basis. This raises passive and somewhat muted question in their mind: “Where is God? What is the sense in all this?”.

All the traditional explanations from “we cannot understand God’s ways” to “this is as predicted by our Prophets” to simply “just wait for Moshiah” , – all are not based on scriptures. Torah not only lets us know all the “whys”, “whens” and “hows” but the Scripture repeats these answers many times implying that it was predicted that we will make ourselves confused by our stubbornness and ignorance instead of learning from what was given to us by Divine Revelation.

The goal of this site is to find all the answers for our lives in Torah! From the “Pshat” level to the depth of the intuitively personal connection to the Divine – is the goal of our articles. If needed, the science of human psychology is engaged to help to understand the mentality of the Jews in Biblical times as well as today.

Many articles will be posted analyzing current situation in Israel. For those who feel that this is “politics”, who don’t care about lives of Jews outside of their shul, we will kindly remind: – Land of Israel is a center stage where the laws provided in the Torah are getting revealed on the ground daily. In fact Torah can be studied even by following the news from Israel – so tight they are together: Torah, Jewish people and The Land.

We feel that this mission is becoming critical today. Misplaced priorities and many accumulated commentaries (some of them dramatically distort the the foundation of Torah), labeled as a “tradition” sometimes lead Jews away from true message of Torah. Readers are advised to be open minded and truthful in their search for the Divine without prejudice and preconditions. We repeat:

Readers are advised to be open minded and truthful in their search for the Divine without prejudice and preconditions.

If your goal is to prove to yourself that your understanding is right, that your education is perfect and is the only correct way to understand life, that your mentors are perfect and you yourself cannot rely on your own intellect but learn from your mentors even though you know they are not prophets, then, we will be honest with you – you are in the wrong place.

We highly recommend to read our printed excerpt from the Rambam’s book “Guide for the Perplexed” on this site.

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