Before I proceed I have to highlight my appreciation for the most important heritage which is preserved by Jewish tradition over all the millenniums – that is the importance of Torah and other books of Tanach. Even though in practical terms these pearls of Divine wisdom were overshadowed by imposing of Talmud, it was this reverence of Torah which allows us to discover the Truth where it was planted by God.
From generation to generation Jews celebrate the unparalleled event in human history recorded in our Torah as a Divine intervention aimed at giving us freedom from the bondage of slavery. But is it really so? With Divine help I want to bring the reader’s attention to the text of Torah and see for yourself that this idea is too short and truncated compared to the real Divine Lesson. With Divine Help I will try to reveal all the depth of the lesson for Israel, for all peoples, for individuals and for all times. The same story, yet some of you may realize – you never knew it before…
After I started this project, I keep updating without seeing the end – the more I dive into this text, King David’s wisdom penetrates deeper and deeper into all-including guide to meditation – the intimate path, the Ruach Hakodesh / Samadhi / Nirvana / Satori / Enlightenment / Self Realization, predating by centuries all the Spiritual paths of the world, towards the human’s true nature – the Divine.
My son, I am fulfilling my duty to let you know something of ultimate importance, that is a pain to share and little hope to be of any practical value.
This is a copy of the article by Dr. Gerald Schroeder which was originally printed on website but unavailable any more.