This article will not leave any space for possible arguments on the topic. This statement seems to be very bold when recalling that the most of the Jewish history it has been a topic for the debate, which according to the opinion of the Jewish mainstream ended centuries ago with victory of the Oral Torah […]
Place – the Divine Theater (the Universe)
The show – Life on Earth
The category – Mostly Drama but includes some Comedy and Musical
Show time – continuous
Starring – every human being and every nation
Ticket prices – FREE
This post is made in the form of short notes on the basic lessons from the parsha. Before reading this – remember basic principle:
The lesson is as alive today as it was back then and as it will be in the future.
Country’s government flooded with individuals without any moral principles, their actions dictated not by the goodness for their people but by the profit they can make for their pockets and their power grab increase. Court system, for anybody who got across it, leaves a smell of stench as if the system lost any patterns of common sense (due to the service of the corruption) long ago … Each of these social diseases (and many more not mentioned here) can be recognized in the daily news and can be topics for a detail analysis in their own right. But this article will focus on the relation between these phenomena and the spiritual status of humanity today.
An Israeli medic treated an arab terrorist that threw rocks at the medic’s own son. Was treating him the right thing to do? Are we obligated, or even allowed, to show such compassion towards evil?