Oct 04

Idol Worship – This part will start from explaining the nature of Faith as a prerequisite to understanding of the phenomenon of idol worship.

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Sep 27

Here is a prophesy described of a very disturbing nature. Reason for punishment and it’s details provided of a nature not yet taken place in our history. Yet, according to the latest news, the conditions are ripe …

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Sep 13

There is a very disturbing tendency how some of the mitzvot fall into the category “not applied today”. A whole group of mitzvot effectively made void by modern rabbinical Judaism.

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Jul 12

There is a newly developed widespread morality that a democracy in the form of “rule of the majority”, as defined by the electoral process, is the ultimate social justice and anything else cannot be as just. Such mentality is also supported by the fact that this democratic process is quite new invention of the new era of “enlightened mankind”. From the podiums of the United Nations it looks as an undisputed postulate for modern day civilization

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Jul 12

So many honest lovers of Israel direct their attention and energy to the secondary effects of the main core reason which brings Israel towards near destruction these days.
All of the following are not the causes but multiple effects only

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