There is a very disturbing tendency how some of the mitzvot fall into the category “not applied today”. A whole group of mitzvot effectively made void by modern rabbinical Judaism.
Who created morals? Who decides what is right or wrong? Is it possible to “nicely” conduct a warfare? Warfare is one of those topics where modern widespread absurdity collides with Divine commandments.
The other important topic of the parsha Shlah is a Divine Providence regarding Israel.
Israel failed to accept the Divine favor by rejecting it in favor of mundane sensory mentality. The mentality which brought about a misery of fear with all it’s consequences. Israel is punished by a terrible decree, prompted by Israelites themselves –
Do you know what the word Faith mean? You are probably sure you know such a basic category. I only hope that the reader is ready for the Truth, both intellectually and spiritually.
We must ask an important question here: why should we remember this particular part of the Torah concerning the deeds of Amalek? Shouldn’t we remember the whole Torah anyway? Reason?