Dec 07

Giants have been mentioned multiple times in Torah all the way through the conquest of the Canaan by Israelites – where do they come from? Adam and Eve and their children were not giants… Noah was not giant either… As a results of the great flood in the days of Noah no living creature was saved except the family of Noah… Let’s trace the DNA of the Giants…

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Nov 10

Here is one of the most important topics for the young men to learn from Torah. How to choose a perfect wife? The most typical questions in this matter are answered by God personally in parsha Chayei Sarah (Deuteronomy 24:1-67): How to know the God’s opinion about a particular girl (if you are not a […]

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Dec 31

This post is made in the form of short notes on the basic lessons from the parsha. Before reading this – remember basic principle:
The lesson is as alive today as it was back then and as it will be in the future.

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May 02

You must be Holy since I am God your Lord and I am Holy. (Leviticus, 19:2)

What does it mean? Is it for individual or for the nation as a whole?
There is similar guidance here towards the Divine that can be found in every religious scripture in the world – the intended qualities of men to be able to evolve towards the holiness. But then we encounter the exclusive phenomenon, Divinely decreed, which makes Jewish theology different from other religions.

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Oct 26

This is a copy of the article by Dr. Gerald Schroeder which was originally printed on website but unavailable any more.

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