Sep 20

There is a wide spread kind of distortion of Torah. Some Jews point out that there is no such commandment, and therefore no obligation, to live in the Land of Israel. Or, at least, not until miracle happens and Moshiah comes. Here is a message from Ki Tavo – you may as well drop all other mitzvot as by the mouth of Moses they apply in the Land. Only punishments apply outside of the Land … Whether we are already in the Land or not, without accepting Torah as is, we will go astray anyway and curses will apply again no matter where we are …

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Sep 06

Who created morals? Who decides what is right or wrong? Is it possible to “nicely” conduct a warfare? Warfare is one of those topics where modern widespread absurdity collides with Divine commandments.

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Sep 06

Here we are with another Torah portion which challenges us to either go along with mainstream adopted “politically correct” views or go against it adopting Torah text as is with “Torah correctness”. In the spirit of this web site we are making ourselves a target of “politically correct” public.

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Jul 12

There is a newly developed widespread morality that a democracy in the form of “rule of the majority”, as defined by the electoral process, is the ultimate social justice and anything else cannot be as just. Such mentality is also supported by the fact that this democratic process is quite new invention of the new era of “enlightened mankind”. From the podiums of the United Nations it looks as an undisputed postulate for modern day civilization

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Jul 12

This post has a goal to understand the mentality of the people involved which will allow us to understand our life conflicts today. The minds which drove to a particular actions despite having the same life experience as members of the same family of people. Selfish desires … where do they come from? Is it lack of intelligence? Inborn human traits? Differences in childhood education?

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