Jul 12

Like in many other Parsha’s, it says here: “God spoke to Moshe.” Unfortunately, most Jews read through this without thinking. Many times, what is frequently repeated is usually nothing special to the readers. But in reality, it is repeated because it is so important! The most special aspect of God talking to Moshe is that […]

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Jul 12

The other important topic of the parsha Shlah is a Divine Providence regarding Israel.
Israel failed to accept the Divine favor by rejecting it in favor of mundane sensory mentality. The mentality which brought about a misery of fear with all it’s consequences. Israel is punished by a terrible decree, prompted by Israelites themselves –

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Jun 22

Do you know what the word Faith mean? You are probably sure you know such a basic category. I only hope that the reader is ready for the Truth, both intellectually and spiritually.

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