Sep 28

Does the word “meditation” have anything to do with Jewish observance? Do you experience responses from God in any way? It is puzzling sometimes to hear such a response to this last question as “what do you mean“? As if the question is complicated… the sign of our times is such that people don’t even […]

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Sep 27

Here is a prophesy described of a very disturbing nature. Reason for punishment and it’s details provided of a nature not yet taken place in our history. Yet, according to the latest news, the conditions are ripe …

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Sep 26

This article will advice every individual on how to run a self check to know for yourself whether you are on the right path to spiritual growth or you are stuck in complying with your environment, without any progress or worse – degenerating…

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Sep 20

There is a wide spread kind of distortion of Torah. Some Jews point out that there is no such commandment, and therefore no obligation, to live in the Land of Israel. Or, at least, not until miracle happens and Moshiah comes. Here is a message from Ki Tavo – you may as well drop all other mitzvot as by the mouth of Moses they apply in the Land. Only punishments apply outside of the Land … Whether we are already in the Land or not, without accepting Torah as is, we will go astray anyway and curses will apply again no matter where we are …

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Sep 14

All Judaic authorities with no exception highlighted the importance of the Torah study on the development of human mind and psychology. It is a factual truth which must be experienced by everybody who study Torah regularly with sincerity. In the process of the Torah study, human mind transforms in stages. This post is the first of a kind trying to provide a glimpse on these stages.

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