There are many schools, theologies under overall umbrella of Judaism stating being based on one source – the Torah, yet having significant differences among them. From orthodox to reform, from all the sects of ultra-orthodox (which are quite different and sometimes antagonistic of each other) to Karaites. To add more “diversity” of understanding enough to mention all the creeds of Christianity all stating to be based on the Bible …
We are not interested in research into all the differences among them. The goal here is not to find any “common ground” or even to find the nicest theology for the modern day human consumption.
The goal is to distill all the principles of Moses’ own core believes based on his own last speech to Israel written by him personally in the first sentences of his last book of Deuteronomy:
Theses are the words which Moses spoke to All of Israel … according to All that YHVH had commanded him to tell them. (Deuteronomy, 1:1-3)
This article is based on the firm belief that all of his teachings, whence his religious principles, revealed in their completeness and are recorded word by word in this Holly Scripture, just as the quote above states.
The intended reader is anyone who’s craving, the desire for the Divine Truth overrides any habitual thinking patterns based on the currently held belief system. Such reader will not lack any proof in the form of the direct quotes from Moses.
For all those interested please note – this is a large on-going project which I cannot accelerate on my will. It started as important first step – providing the outline of the major topics constituting the subject of the Moses’ own teaching translated into the language of this age spirituality.
Note: for more of the related quotes to support the above statement see this post .
- Creator and Creation
- Understanding Oneness of God. The Absolute Existence. All That Is.
- Purpose of Creation: fun from experience within the created forms evolving from separated limited (narrow focused) human egos back towards their Divine Essence – the Oneness of the Creator
- Understanding the nature of man – the most advanced created form which is even allowed to stray away from his own essence.
- Divine Experience – Ruach Hakodesh or Ruach Elohim
- Love as a Divine Experience. Forms of love and evolution of love forms.
- Love as a path of spiritual evolution.
- Human Creativity as a Divine experience.
- True science. Is it possible?
- Role of the Prophets. Who is a prophet. Is everyone capable to be a prophet?
- On Messiah.
- What miracles?
- Divine path – The Way of God – Derech Elohim
- Is there One Absolute Morality? How do we know what is morally right or wrong?
- Purpose of worship, methods, idol worship, sacrifices
- Understanding of the Good and Evil
- Is there a World To Come? Or is this world eternal?
- Are there haven and hell?
- Symbolic language of the rewards and punishments
- Divine Providence or is our fate of our own making?
- Lesson of the story of Exodus. What is Freedom?
- Eternity of Life. Death as a transformation of life forms. Afterlife.
- Who is a Jew? Can non-Jews join Israel?
- Special nature of Israel as a lesson to all. Is Israel eternal or not? Is individual Jew special to God?
- Nation versus individual. National karma versus individual karma. Individual and society. God oriented choices.
- Is a Jew tied up to the fate of all the Israel or is he the creator of his own fate?
- Is there martyrdom in Torah?
- Should individual suppress his opinion in favor of the majority? Should majority rule?
- Parents – children. Relations, troubles, purpose, Divine decrees.
- Why marriage? Isn’t it just a formal ritual? Perfect wife, perfect husband. How many wives? Are inter-marriages allowed according to Moses?
- Why so many sex-related laws? What is a problem with gays?
- Lifestyle as a Divine path.
- Kosher food, kosher dress
- Fear – the most inhibiting deficiency of human psyche.
- Violence and peace within Israel.
- War and peace between nations. Why did God ordered destruction of whole nations including women and children? Back again to Morality?
- Antisemitism. Is God involved in it or does He allow it?
- Future war. Will it be final? What will become of Israel?
- Future World on Earth. What will it be like?
- Future Man on Earth