Dec 07

Giants have been mentioned multiple times in Torah all the way through the conquest of the Canaan by Israelites – where do they come from? Adam and Eve and their children were not giants… Noah was not giant either… As a results of the great flood in the days of Noah no living creature was saved except the family of Noah… Let’s trace the DNA of the Giants…

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Oct 26

This is a copy of the article by Dr. Gerald Schroeder which was originally printed on website but unavailable any more.

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Oct 26

This is a copy of the article by Dr. Gerald Schroeder which was originally printed on website but unavailable any more.

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Oct 26

This is a copy of the article by Dr. Gerald Schroeder which was originally printed on website but unavailable any more.

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Oct 25

Life, as we observe it, is an extraordinary complex phenomena in both microcosmic and macroscopic appearance.

This observed complexity follows the LAWS OF NATURE, the understanding of which is the whole goal of the human science. The premise of scientific mind is that once we understand the LAWS OF NATURE we know where this world comes from and whence where a life “evolves” from. Yet, the scientific discoveries seem to bring us to a different view…

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