This post is made in the form of short notes on the basic lessons from the parsha. Before reading this – remember basic principle:
The lesson is as alive today as it was back then and as it will be in the future.
For those who are sincere to know God. To experience Him. For all the seekers. The experience of Rapture.
This letter to the world was written by a Rabbi in the late 1980s.
You must be Holy since I am God your Lord and I am Holy. (Leviticus, 19:2)
What does it mean? Is it for individual or for the nation as a whole?
There is similar guidance here towards the Divine that can be found in every religious scripture in the world – the intended qualities of men to be able to evolve towards the holiness. But then we encounter the exclusive phenomenon, Divinely decreed, which makes Jewish theology different from other religions.
From generation to generation Jews celebrate the unparalleled event in human history recorded in our Torah as a Divine intervention aimed at giving us freedom from the bondage of slavery. But is it really so? With Divine help I want to bring the reader’s attention to the text of Torah and see for yourself that this idea is too short and truncated compared to the real Divine Lesson. With Divine Help I will try to reveal all the depth of the lesson for Israel, for all peoples, for individuals and for all times. The same story, yet some of you may realize – you never knew it before…