An Israeli medic treated an arab terrorist that threw rocks at the medic’s own son. Was treating him the right thing to do? Are we obligated, or even allowed, to show such compassion towards evil?
For those who are sincere to know God. To experience Him. For all the seekers. The experience of Rapture.
You must be Holy since I am God your Lord and I am Holy. (Leviticus, 19:2)
What does it mean? Is it for individual or for the nation as a whole?
There is similar guidance here towards the Divine that can be found in every religious scripture in the world – the intended qualities of men to be able to evolve towards the holiness. But then we encounter the exclusive phenomenon, Divinely decreed, which makes Jewish theology different from other religions.
Before I proceed I have to highlight my appreciation for the most important heritage which is preserved by Jewish tradition over all the millenniums – that is the importance of Torah and other books of Tanach. Even though in practical terms these pearls of Divine wisdom were overshadowed by imposing of Talmud, it was this reverence of Torah which allows us to discover the Truth where it was planted by God.
This is a copy of the article by Dr. Gerald Schroeder which was originally printed on website but unavailable any more.